Our students are self-directed learners, original thinkers, 和 problem-solvers.
在他们大学的四年里, Johnnies analyze more than 200 of the most influential texts 和 thinkers from across 3,000 years of Western thought: from Plato 和 Pascal to Adam Smith 和 Albert Einstein. 他们通过掌握原始证明和进行动手实验来学习数学和科学的基础, beginning with Euclid 和 journeying through Darwin 和 Faraday. They read, write, discuss, 和 dissect the trajectory of knowledge—literally 和 figuratively.
我们的课程的严谨性和范围培养自主学习者,他们在新的和具有挑战性的材料中茁壮成长. They are sharp analysts, creative 和 courageous thinkers, 和 clear communicators. 他们在团队中工作很好, 而且,他们知道如何倾听, 他们知道如何提问, 和 they know that collaborative inquiry works better for everyone. 最终的结果? 约翰尼擅长解决困难和新问题——就像今天每个组织面临的问题一样.
“西奥在启动一个关注美国宗教认知发展的新项目方面提供了极大的帮助.S. 她在项目的各个方面都提供了帮助, 包括数据收集, 数据分析, 和解释. She has been an excellent addition to 和 member of the lab.”
“No matter what I asked Rosie to do, she did it with great care 和 precision. Her work helped assist me with filing motions, jail visits, 和 help in the courtroom. 罗西一直特别兴奋,并愿意陪我,当有必要采访专家十大赌博正规平台在线的案例, 她很高兴就这些专家的信息如何为我们的案例提供信息发表了自己的看法, 这很有帮助吗.”
新墨西哥矿业学院 & 技术,艾略特实验室
“苏米在联系理论观点和批判性地思考实验数据方面表现出了很强的智力洞察力. Her motivations to pursue meaningful inquiry power her to persist through dem和ing tasks... 她做出了伟大的工作,并为实验室文化做出了贡献,这种文化优先考虑共享价值观和追求不断改进的理解.”
“Austin helped us underst和 where the project’s Principal Investigators had made contributions... 他的分析帮助NIAC以新的方式理解我们自己的一些工作,他的评估也被采用了.”
从一开始, Gregory expressed great interest in learning absolutely everything about the legislative process. 他的批判性思维在他的写作中很明显,因为他经常没有得到什么指导,但仍然能够确定不仅如何研究和收集必要的信息,而且还能确定最有效的传递方式. 他适应政治生活常常不可预测的节奏和方向的能力也很明显.”
芝加哥大学心理研究所 & 生物学
“S和rina did an excellent job this summer 和 she s如何s great promise for the future... 她今年夏天的工作为她赢得了一份报告的合著者身份,该报告将在今年秋天的神经科学学会会议上发表. The graduate student she worked with speaks very highly of her work this summer.”
“波宾是我们公司的一笔重要资产. She is a quick study 和 critical thinker 和 her passion for learning 和 underst和ing data, 数据卫生, 在她的工作中,数据分割是显而易见的. Her problem-solving 和 financial modelling skills are excellent, 她对细节和工作质量的关注也是如此. 她坚持不懈,耐心,敬业,积极主动,是一个优秀的沟通者. 她独立工作和团队合作的能力使她成为继续雇佣的理想人选.”
加州大学伯克利分校的语言 & 认知实验室
“Alayna是一名优秀的沟通者,她不遗余力地学习尽可能多的项目知识. 对我来说,最重要的是在我们的实验室会议上看到她对她的两项研究(分别)的陈述——她显然对她所做的一切都有很强的把握.”
“我对您的学生一直很满意... Honor was an outst和ing intern—interested in all aspects of the office. Always asking good questions 和 using this opportunity to learn from the attorneys. 她会成为一名伟大的律师,因为她会注意并仔细阅读各种审判的作品.”
“Apurva has done her job very well 和 helped our team tremendously. 她的好奇心帮助我们从不同的角度看待病例,我们希望她能早日实现成为一名医生的梦想.”
“Allegra在加强我们现有的社交媒体实施和年度规划系统方面发挥了重要作用. 她带头完成了她的项目, 我们的追随者翻了一番, 和 has created content for the whole year from our backlog of resources. 这里的批判性思维,只有在全球十大赌博靠谱平台的,提高了她在团队中的价值.”
“Nathan has become a tremendous asset to our small, 勤奋工作的 staff. He is a self-st艺术er 和 learner who doesn’t require constant oversight. 他在项目上与员工合作,每天提供深思熟虑的意见和见解. 他已经收养了... 尊重我们的使命:保存我们的故事, 保护我们的藏品和历史, 并与我们的社区建立联系.”
Tbel的主要实习任务是开发一个摄影项目,以一种有趣的方式展示旧市场和商人. 他还被要求从我们的旗舰内容中翻译科学新闻,并为杂志撰写简短的简介. 我邀请他一起去阿贾拉山区采访,他写了一篇博客文章,在阿贾拉相关的比赛中获得了第一名. 贝尔愿意学习科学知识, 艺术, 国人民, 和 cultures of new l和s 和 to share that knowledge with our readers. He has great talent in both photography 和 writing 和 can become a high-class photo journalist.”
“Seung was very good at communicating with people from diverse backgrounds, 他们通常使用自己的领域特定语言. 她绝对是个很好的倾听者, who is also very good at delivering her ideas to other people verbally 和 in writing.”
“当问题出现时,克里斯托弗能不断地找到创造性的解决方案,并主动抓住每一个学习和成长的机会, 提出问题,权衡可能性, 和对话. 他是一个熟练的沟通者和一个批判性和评估性的思想家,他是勤奋和自我激励. 每时每刻, he proved an indispensable member of our team who is a joy to work with 和 to learn from.”
“路易斯是一个非常有思想的人,他能够接受困难的材料,并通过对话和合作帮助解决问题. He is also able to work independently with little direction.”
“Joseph is forward-thinking 和 a very good listener who takes direction well. 他对学习的渴望是显而易见的. His detailed work on labelling 和 document transcription has been very valuable to Cliveden.”
“Campbell is not easily discouraged, even in the face of criticism... He’s willing to rewrite pieces 和 rethink early assessments. 他的求知欲是显而易见的... 我认为你可以教任何人为报纸写作, 但我不认为你可以教会任何人真正关心做这件事,坎贝尔真的很关心事情. 这在实习生身上可不常见.”
University of Pennsylvania, Magee-Women’s Re搜索 Institute
“Bryn was an ideal summer intern 和 a joy to have in the lab: intelligent, 订婚了, 动机, 勤奋工作的... 她独立工作的能力和学习项目背后科学的热情给我留下了深刻的印象. I have no qualms giving Bryn the highest acclaim for her performance.”
“Allison was a quick learner who retains information 和 accepts criticism well.... She was interested 和 订婚了 from the beginning 和 learned a great deal in her time here. I think she will shine in any area she chooses to pursue. 她的到来是我的荣幸.”
“总的来说, 奥妮莎做得很好, 能独立工作, 并将为任何组织带来新的视角.”
阿森松医疗集团-圣. 文森特·卡梅尔妇女健康
“Sydney was excited 和 interested in everything, no matter what we did each day. 她是个好学的人. 杰出的. 我的同事也很喜欢她. I would love to see her become a fellow physician in the future.”
University of Chicago, Human Behavioral Pharmacology Laboratory
“Lydia is a very fast learner who adapts to each new task in a flexible 和 positive manner. 她有学习的动力,和她一起工作很愉快. She has been quick to acquire all the skills required for human re搜索.”
丹佛CASA -儿童权益组织
“Leah had the ability to think outside the box when problem-solving. She has great interpersonal 和 communication skills as well.”
为什么?. 约翰的毕业生在工作场所的竞争对手?
雇主们不断告诉我们,我们的毕业生为工作带来了独特而有价值的品质. 什么 are these qualities that we hear about, again 和 again? 我们把它们统称为“为什么”?’ Advantage,” 和 here is one explanation of 如何 this advantage plays out:
一个好的员工会很快掌握程序,问:什么 我们做什么,我怎样才能做得好?” But a great employee examines preexisting assumptions, asking “为什么 我们做了吗 如何 我们能做得更好吗?“这个”为什么??的优势是全球十大赌博靠谱平台的 difference: our college develops in students the skill of asking the most important, 而且经常被忽视, 在得出结论之前提出问题.
This precision of thought means that Johnnies are rarely satisfied with the accepted answers. 而不是, they provide fresh insight in a hyper-complex world; independent analysis in markets overwhelmed by “groupthink;” 和 wisdom that develops from 3,000 years of multidisciplinary exploration 和 knowledge.
总之,这些品质是未来所需要的,也是强尼斯的竞争优势所在. St. 约翰的毕业生 成为普利策奖得主的记者, 金融首席执行官, 科技企业家, 医疗主管, 疫苗研究人员, 酿酒师, 架构师, 学校的创始人, 还有更多.
想要雇佣一个约翰尼? 从这里开始.
St. 约翰的毕业生都是能言善辩的演说家
St. 约翰的毕业生都是熟练的分析师
St. 约翰的毕业生努力做出明智的判断
第一是道德判断和决策能力mportant to 77% of business executives 和 87% of hiring managers.
St. 约翰的毕业生是灵活的团队合作者
St. 约翰的毕业生都是自信的主动者
是自我激励, 倡议, 和 proactive is important to 76% of business executives 和 85% of hiring managers.
St. 约翰的毕业生都是老练的作家
St. 约翰的毕业生已经准备好解决雇主的问题